(Day calculated for central Mexico at 12 noon SUMMARY, It does not replace the personalized study)
DAY Chicome - seven

Tecpatl (Flint) was a very important cutting tool for ancient cultures. It represents the light, either natural or artificial.

REGENT OF THE DAY Chalchiuhtotolin

The representation of service and simplicity

MONTH OR PARTY Tlacaxipehualiztli

in the month of The Change in the People

The calendar Sacred of the Aztecs

The day is:
Lord of the day Xochipilli Centeotl

the one who engenders the flora and the sustenance


the Obsidian Stone

Thirteen Malinalli - Herb
Choose another date

Tecpatl - Flint
Matlactli uan Ome - twelve
the day starts at 18:45:00 Correlation: Teacher Arturo Meza Gutiérrez
Day: It is a propitious day to plan and determine purposes. // It is a perfect day for development and growth. Good news.
Lord of the Day Great facility for art, creativity and hand work.
Numeral of the Day This is a great day for creativity.
Lord of the Night: It is extremely good for giving wise opinions.